Thursday, October 27, 2011


When Bruce Grayson is brought to the hospital to treat his overdose, his pusher, Manny, tries to force Dr Rex Morgan to inject the helpless dope addict with enough drugs to kill him.
Morgan manages to overpower Manny and his stooge...
This story, which appeared in Harvey Comics Library #1 (1952), was written by Nicholas Dallis, and illustrated by the team of Marvin Bradley & Frank Edgington, the creators of the Rex Morgan MD newspaper strip.
(In fact, the story was originally published as part of the strip's continuity in newspapers all over the country before being reformatted into a comic book.)
Though meant as a cautionary tale, it was vilified by Dr Fredric Wertham in his book Seduction of the Innocent and lumped with horror and crime comics as one of the causes of juvenile delinquency!

Join us next week as we present another tale your grandparents didn't want your parents to see!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


When Last We Left Our Addict...
Bruce Grayson was near death, a victim of his own overdosing.
Dr Rex Morgan, Coach Bill Neal, and Neal's daughter Louise, who loves Bruce, arrive to find the teen comatose...
Has Manny lost a customer?
Has Rex Morgan been shot?
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


...the one-time honor student and gifted athlete had become addicted to narcotics provided by a dealer named Manny, who forced Bruce to help him steal drugs from Dr Rex Morgan's office.
Now, as Bruce sinks deeper into a life of dope-induced depravity...
Has Bruce overdosed?
Has Manny lost a customer?
And what of Louise?
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Let's start this blog off with one of the most controversial comics of all time...
...considered so lurid in 1954 that Dr Fredrick Wertham said "When adolescent drug addiction had finally come to public attention, it led to the publication of lurid new comic books devoted entirely to the subject, like the one with the title, Teen-Age Dope Slaves. This is nothing but another variety of crime comic of a particularly deplorable character. (Seduction of the Innocent, page 27)
And this was a comic created to help teens...
 What will happen when he does locate Manny?
Will Bruce get his fix?
Tune in next week...
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Same Blog Feed!

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